Thursday, September 23, 2010

Double Wedding Ring Quilt

I promised my daughter a double wedding ring quilt when she got married. Being a Quilter herself, she understood there was no way to get it done before the wedding last April. I told her I'd have it done for her first anniversary. Sorry the colors in this picture aren't better. The corner stones are a dark blue floral and a bright yellow.
So far I have all the arcs (400) made and the rest of the pieces cut out. I have attached arcs to the "melons" to make 120 completed melons. I need a total of 189. My goal is to have all the "melons" completed before I go to PIQF on the 14th of October.
In the last few years, instead of taking classes at PIQF, resulting in more unfinished projects, my friend Selma and I take our own projects to work on. When we get tired of walking around the show we go up to our room and sew. I hope to get a good number of "melons" attached to the centers.

I was working on this project at the Diablo Valley Retreat last June. I was anxious to see how it would go together, so put several rings together. Attached is a picture.

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